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PACTA & Potato Chips! - 4 pm
Every 3-4 months we gather around to eat potato chips and chat about PACTA. This is why we don't schedule Potato Chip events at breakfast time!
On April 16 at 4 pm the plan is to focus on ways to improve messaging to ensure everyone is aware PACTA is an open, welcoming, and inclusive community. Bring questions, observations, stories, and a bowl of chips to this casual get-together.
Quotes from past Potato Chip events:
“There's so much strength in collaboration.“
"Can I eat cheezies instead?"
What we talked about at our June 2022 event.
Interested in learning more about the Professional Animal Care and Training Assoc of BC? Join others to eat snack food at the quarterly PACTA & Potato Chips virtual event and chat about PACTA BC. Bring your chips, questions, and ideas! #PACTABC #PACTA
PACTA & Potato Chips! - 4 pm
Every animal deserves safe, healthy, and positive care and training. PACTA BC is building a network of ethical animal care and training professionals and committed individuals in all of BC. #PACTABC Learn more: