Join us for another Roundtable! October's topic will be how to support our clients and their pets when dealing with fireworks and other potentially scary Hallowe'en activities.
Sunday, October 16 at 9 am PDT. Bring along your morning beverage and even your breakfast!
The Roundtables are monthly events for Professional Members of PACTA BC to discuss topics, ask questions and share experiences. They are a safe, supportive and fun space.
Our monthly Professional Member Roundtable discussions are designed to support all professional members, from those who have worked or volunteered with companion animals for years to those just starting out. As long as your application to become a professional members has been received, you are welcome to attend the Roundtable.
The Roundtable dates and times change to make the sessions accessible to more members. If there are certain days/times which are better for you, please let us know!
Please click on the "Send RSVP" button to let us know you're coming and to receive the Zoom link.