We would like to introduce you to PACTA BC's latest tool for animal guardians: PEARL - the Peer Evaluated Animal Resource Library.

The goal of this project is to create a tool for professional animal trainers and dedicated animal guardians that will quickly pinpoint valuable online, digital and physical information sources. Think books, videos, web pages, courses, webinars, conferences, infographics, podcasts, magazines, research articles, etc.

Need a specific reference to resource guarding? Looking for a quick explanation for a client on how to use a marker? 

One of the biggest challenges we face in the information age is the sheer volume of it. Finding good information requires knowledge of where to find credible information, time to learn what those sources are, and evaluating if that information conforms to your principles.

Welcome to peer-review. Scientific literature is assessed and published based on this practice. An experienced and knowledgeable team of reviewers  evaluate the resource based on specific standards, such as accuracy to current knowledge, adhesion to the scientific method, quality of experimental design, and how results are assessed (not necessarily what they are). 

Here at PACTA BC we have an amazing team of professional members with a massive knowledge and experience base of their own. This is our review team. Resources are assessed according to a set of criteria—the PACTA principles—that will test the accuracy, current relevance, scientific integrity, and humane nature of the information presented. Each resource will be assessed and scored by three reviewers and then this information will be made available in PEARL.

We are currently at the data collection point of the project and would love your contributions! Our data input form is still in the beta testing phase: feedback can be emailed to Amanda.

All resources are welcome, including those you may not recommend. There is a space on the form for your comments—please let us know your thoughts on each resource! 

We are collecting email addresses! Why? If we can’t find the resource or there have been significant changes in recent editions (such as a book), we may need to contact the contributor for additional information.

This shareable tool will improve the quality of learning for all animal guardians.

So please check out PEARL, add some resources via the form, and let us know what you think!

Amanda Glickman


I'm certified in Games Based Concept Training (Absolute Dogs) and Clicker training (KPA-CTP). I focus on life skills at all ages and enriched life activities. ~Vancouver Island~